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Chickadee Program Begins!

Tuesday, September 18th

I had such a fun first morning with our chickadees this morning. It was so wonderful to watch new friendships begin to develop. We began the morning with a campfire (with no marshmallows, much to the disappointment of the children : > )) , a welcome poem and some good old fashion campfire songs. We made up some pretty funny verses to Down by the Bay! We each decorated our own special treasure box that will stay at nature school and we can put all of our special nature finds in. We fed the chickadees and watched the sneaky squirrels and chipmunks steal feed from the bird feeders. As we watched them stuff their cheeks full of seed, we talked about how they much be storing food for the upcoming winter. When we discussed some of our favourite activities of the day, digging potatoes out of the garden and playing hide and seek were at the top of the list! Looking very forward to our next day together!

~ Tara