Autumn is in full swing and here, at Nature School, we have been taking notice. The leaves are bright and beautiful colours and are now starting to fall to the ground, the mornings have been quite chilly and the squirrels and chipmunks are filling their cheeks with seed. We had a lot to share this week about our activities over the long holiday weekend. We heard wonderful stories about road trips and camping trips, hikes, visits with family and big beautiful meals. It was so wonderful to hear about everyone’s Thanksgiving.
It has been a relatively damp fall, which has result in some muddy conditions in and around our vegetable garden. The conditions have been perfect for play in our mud kitchen. Mud pies, mud cakes, mud soups and stews – you name it, it has been created in our outdoor kitchen this week. We have also produced some lovely mud art. We made some beautiful nature paint brushes and some mud paint and created a lovely mud mural. We have found many caterpillars in the yard this fall and the children have taken great interest in looking up the different kinds in a guide book and discovering what kinds of moths they will turn into. A simple white sheet sparked some wonderful imaginative play this week. We used it to toss leaves and pines cones in the air but it also became a parachute, a tent, a boat and a flying carpet. Children have the most wonderful imaginations.