Hello Nature School Families,
We have really lucked out this October with beautiful weather! Every morning we’ve been able to start our day with songs around the fire. “I feel the forest” and a few others are quickly becoming familiar favourites. We also enjoy checking in with our friends making sure our “deers ears” are on so that we may hear how our friends are doing, and if they’ve observed anything in nature they’d like to share with us. After circle time we have some good run around time with favorite games such as foxes and bunnies and across Canada. Since it was monster month we also had some fantastic games of Zombie freeze tag! During snack/lunch time we’ve been enjoying books about the fall, migration, hibernation and some fun Halloween stories too.
There have been a lot of creative and fun activities this month and some delicious food cooked over the fire. We’ve enjoyed carving pumpkins, roasting the seeds, pressing apples to make cider, cooking bannock and popcorn too. Yum! On our forest walks we’ve played nature detectives and found so many interesting mushrooms growing, especially the huge puffballs we found all over the forest! With all of the colourful fall leaves and the beauty all around us we’ve had fun making patterns and art from nature, and some interesting conversations had about how nothing lasts forever, nature is continuously changing. After watching the leaves fall and putting the garden to bed we are so excited for the snow to come!
It’s time to bundle up and enjoy the next season! Winter!
Yours in nature,
Tania, Leah. Whitney & Leigh