We had such a fun day today, on our second PD day of the year. We learned some about migration, hibernation and adaptation. A great game of Red Squirrel, Grey Squirrel, Bluejay! taught us a little about how squirrels manage the winter. A beautiful walk in the woods gave us the opportunity to play a big game of Camouflage, always a favourite but pretty difficult if you are wearing a bright orange coat 😉 Back in the yard we all worked together as a group to make an amazing Bug Hotel for insects to winter in. The kids naturally divided themselves into groups according to what they enjoyed doing. Some of them became drillers, and cutters, some painters, some collectors and some assemblers. It was a big project but the final result was a very impressive hotel that I think the insects of the yard will enjoy all winter. We ended the day all cooking bannock on sticks over the fire which we ate with fresh strawberry jam. So delicious! ~Tara