We were met with a number of different weather conditions at Nature School this week – some rain, wind, a little bit of sun and even some snow! Our students are hearty little creatures however and enjoyed it all. The kids are getting really great at sharing stories and events with all of us during morning circle time and we heard about many amazing observations and experiences. It is pumpkin season and saw lots them this week! Pumpkin scavenger hunts, pumpkin slime, pumpkin painting and pumpkin carving were all part of the fun. Snacking on pumpkin seeds that we roasted over the fire was a favourite. We produced some beautiful art as well. We made some gorgeous nature crowns and some amazing drawings of the life cycles of the wooly bear caterpillar. We collected spruce cones from all over the property and experimented in making shapes and letters with them. We also created some amazing ephemeral nature art out of spruce cones. The fallen leaves have provided tons of fun as we have raked them in to piles to jump in, made nests out of them like squirrels and had full out leaf fights! The imaginative play gets more and more creative each week as the children get to know each other well. I am looking very forward to what next week holds. ~ Tara