The sun has been shining and the sap is flowing. We are having fun collecting it, tasting it (sometimes right from the trees), and boiling it down. It is sweet, sugary maple syrup. Some yummy batches of pancakes made on the campfire this week tasted especially good with the knowledge that the syrup came right from our very own trees.
Little by little, we are noticing our bird friends returning from their wintering homes in the south. This week we saw robins and red winged black birds. This is always a good indication that spring has arrived. While on our hikes we have felt the sun warm on our skin, we have smelled the scent of skunks as they become more active in the warmer temperatures, we have splashed in puddles created by the snow melt and we have watched as the minnows have become active in the melting pond.
Inside we continue to prepare for the planting of our vegetable garden. With continued care and watering, our seeds have sprouted and this week we transferred them into larger pots. It will be a couple of months yet, but we are hoping to have some good sized plants by the time the garden is ready for planting. We are looking very forward to getting our hands dirty in the soil!